Originally this was going to be more random and haphazard than the last few months have been. I’m starting to adhere to a twice monthly posting standard, which may increase once my dissertation is done, with the 1st and 15th of each month as the standard posting dates.
I vision over the next few years is to be an education leader who makes the details of learning applicable to all life, and I intend to do that by using my expertise in educational theory and practice to inspire others to grow and change in every aspect of their lives.
Likely topics are learning design and theory, the unqualified oafs in charge of all levels of education in the US, evidence-based inquiry, reviews of important content, making fun of sacred cows (Joe Rogan, organic food, chiropractors) and other things I want to express an opinion about. There will also be terrible puns.
Click blog up above, or just here, to see what I’ve said already.